OWIN and System.Web.Optimizations

I struck out to see if I could make use of the Microsoft ASP.NET Web Optimization Framework (version 1.1.2) in my self hosted OWIN Nancy application. The only real resource I could find on the topic was the page How to use System.Web.Optimization Bundling with Nancy in the Nancy…

Git - When to Merge

Many people use git pull and merge frequently in an effort to keep a branch up to date while working a feature. However it's actually recommended not to merge into a feature branch until it's complete and ready to be integrated back into the development branch. The reason for…

TechEd Australia 2013

The first day at TechEd offered two main sessions the developer kick off and the Keynote. The developer kick off touched on a new Visual Studio 2013 feature called Browser Link for ASP.NET and Team Foundation Service. The kick off started by introducing One ASP.NET which is the…

John Carmack Keynote

John Carmack's keynote this year was a fantastic talk about software engineering. Parts three and four of the keynote touched on all the key hot topics including Code Quality, Functional Programming, Static Typing vs Dynamic Typing, Static Analysis and Garbage Collection…

My PowerShell Profile

This is my PowerShell profile, it does a few nice things such as add and commands to the shell. Most importantly though it customizes my prompt to shorten it while still showing how deep I am in the directory hierarchy. I've also set up as well as a few other helpers and…

Testing emails in .NET

Testing emails can sometimes be a bit challenging. smtp4dev is a small program that intercepts all received emails so you can quickly send and view emails from any application that uses it as the SMTP server. For a .NET application just add this to the config file. Now all…

Loading Settings From web.config

It's always a good idea to be as consistent as possible when you're writing code. So when you're using settings from a configuration file it's a good idea to avoid sprinkling around the codebase, especially if you've making multiple calls to it. A great way to provide…

Wildcards hostname in your hosts file

If you've ever wanted to setup a wildcard entry in your hosts file so you don't have to add an entry for every IIS binding you'll be happy to know there is a way. The trick however is not to use the hosts file but a local DNS proxy instead. Acrylic DNS is a free and open source…

Multiple https bindings in IIS7 for developers

When working with websites that require https (SSL) developers always ending up facing the problem: Why can't you use hostnames with https. This is because hostname is encrypted so IIS needs to establish the SSL connection before it can even read the hostname. However we can get…

Properties Visual Studio passes to MSBuild

It always takes me ages to kind what properties Visual Studio makes available to the MSBuild project files so here's the full set. Source: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/c02as0cs.aspx