Powershell typeof

Coming from C#, it provides the built in function that you can use to get the of a class. Powershell also makes it easy to get Type information. Wrapping the type in square brackets evaluates to an instance of . Which you can then use to compare it as per normal. You can also…

Octopus Deploy

I'm happy to announce that I've joined forces with the amazing developers at Octopus Deploy. It's a fantastic product and if you havn't heard of them yet make sure you take a look. Deployments are such an important part of every project, yet they're often overlooked until the…

An update on background tasks in ASP.NET

There are two types of background tasks that you'd want to use in .NET. Long running tasks which include things like background services that run every 5, 10 minutes or another interval. Long running tasks could be continuously running, possibly spanning several days. Then there…

Implementing Domain Driven Design

I've talked about what Domain Driven Design is and what kind of benefits you can expect from it. The next concept to explore is what the implementation looks like. I'll be focusing on the architecture of such a system more than how to model a domain, which Eric Evans covers in…

Internet Explorer Won't Save Cookies On Domains With Underscores In Them.

All versions of Internet Explorer (version 5.5 all the way to version 11) will discard all cookies if the domain has an underscore in it. This can lead to the following issues, which can be quite difficult to debug: Cookies are not set on the client system. ASP.NET Session…

Self executing anonymous function in Powershell

One of the great features of JavaScript is the self-executing anonymous function. It's extremely useful because you can avoid polluting the global scope and express your dependencies in an explicit manner. PowerShell lets you do something similar by taking advantage of , the…

Ninject Modules

Ninject is a fantastic Dependency Injection framework for the .NET framework. You can bind to the kernel whenever you want however you usually want to setup all your binding in once place right, at the start of your application. Ninject provides the perfect place to declare all…

What is Domain Driven Design?

In 2004, Erick Evans coined the term Domain Driven Design in his book also called Domain Driven Design. Since then there has been lots of talk about using Domain Driven Design to tackle high complexity business problems, but what about everyday development. Just like all software…

Why use NuGet

I've had a few people ask me why they should use NuGet and the occasional person that's never heard of it. If you are currently developing software without a package manager, here is why you should be interested. What is NuGet? NuGet is the official package manager for .NET…

What's in a Buzzword

It's sometimes tempting to dismiss things as the next Fad or Buzzword. There's never enough time to learn everything and some things are genuinely bad but if you get into the habit of dismissing everything you're also going to miss a lot of good things. Next time you see a new…